Health care and health insurance reform have been in the national spotlight. Unfortunately, it seems, no one really knows the solution to our health care crisis.
Why is health insurance so expensive?
Why is health insurance so expensive?
Photo by: Monique Discawicz
Why does a family of three have to pay $1,000 a month for coverage, just because they are self-employed?
In Massachusetts, it is mandatory to have health insurance yet if you are self-employed, you must pay out of pocket. A high deductable, high co-pay plan will cost a family of three in the neighborhood of $1,000 a month.
Who can really afford to be insured in Massachusetts?
What about if you get laid off from work?
If your unemployment is more than the federal poverty level guidelines, you must either purchase your own private insurance or enter the COBRA system. Rest assured that you will be paying much more for health insurance than you ever thought possible.
Would President Obama's plan work if it was ever passed through legislation?
I don't know.
Is there an answer to our health care need?
I don't know that either.
Does anyone out there have a solution?
Why does a family of three have to pay $1,000 a month for coverage, just because they are self-employed?
In Massachusetts, it is mandatory to have health insurance yet if you are self-employed, you must pay out of pocket. A high deductable, high co-pay plan will cost a family of three in the neighborhood of $1,000 a month.
Who can really afford to be insured in Massachusetts?
What about if you get laid off from work?
If your unemployment is more than the federal poverty level guidelines, you must either purchase your own private insurance or enter the COBRA system. Rest assured that you will be paying much more for health insurance than you ever thought possible.
Would President Obama's plan work if it was ever passed through legislation?
I don't know.
Is there an answer to our health care need?
I don't know that either.
Does anyone out there have a solution?
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