Author Don Potter
The subject of health care reform has been a big issue in Washington and the news media for the past year. Citizens jumped into the fray, for the most part uninvited, when it became apparent that our elected representatives were botching the process. Town hall meetings, rallies and protest marches sent a message to legislators that they were out of step, if not out of touch with mainstream Americans. Recent election results from Massachusetts indicates the will of the people is something politicians shouldn't ignore.
Democrats cannot write bills behind closed doors and try to jam legislation through based on their current power in Washington. By the same token, Republican have got to stop hiding in the weeds and taking shots at everything the opposing party does. Rather, it's time to go back to the peoples' business. This means agreeing that the health care system needs to undergo significant change over an extended period of time but in a common-sense, fiscally-responsible, bi-partisan manner. Otherwise, the finger pointing and bickering in Washington will spell the end of the careers for many politicians.
It's not rocket science. Health insurance costs continue to climb. Too many Americans are without coverage. Waste, fraud and abuse abounds within the system. The problems can't be addressed or fixed all at once. So, let's agree that health care is going to be studied immediately and adjusted over time with the goal being coverage we can afford and quality of care second to none. We can figure out how to make this work, but do the politicians, the insurance companies and the medical organizations must come together, forget their own agendas and start considering what's best for the citizens of this country?
As part of the pre-boomer generation (those born between 1930 and 1945), I remember how people from all walks of life came together and fought our enemies in World War II. Folks forgot about labels. We weren't Democrats or Republicans we were Americans pulling together in a common cause. If addressed honestly, health care can be something that unites rather than divides us.
Remember, health care accounts for about a sixth of our economy. This is a real concern when combined with a deficit beyond belief, out-of-control government spending and a double-digit unemployment rate that just won't go day. On top of this, there are more spending plans waiting to be introduced in Congress. The only thing to do is to stop Washington from doing what it's been doing or we're going to keep getting what we've been getting. Translated, this means no new spending. Prioritize the country's need. And re-evaluate where our money is going now and where it needs to go in the future.
At the same time, businesses around the country need to join in the fight to keep America afloat and bring it back to the land of opportunity. This requires the best minds we have focusing on what they know best to get the job done. By applying this same kind of discipline to health care reform, we will undoubtedly end up with something that meets the needs of each individual American. And, that's good for all of us.
Don Potter, a Philadelphia native, was born in 1936 and is a 50 year veteran of the advertising agency business. Now living in Los Angeles, he has written two novels in retirement, frequently writes on marketing issues, and has a blog dedicated to pre-boomers (those born between 1930 and 1945).
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